Thursday, May 14, 2009

Eye Spy at the Suter

We went to the Eye Spy exhibition at the Suter Gallery this afternoon. The works on display are all part of the gallery's permanent collection. Julie Catchpole, has written messages for each work and they are arranged alphabetically. Our job today was to make our own alphabetical messages and make a quiz. For the second part we swapped quiz sheets and tried to work out the tricky, riddle messages. Once we found the work to match the message, we skertched the work. It was great fun!

See if you can find the answers to these riddles in the photos.

Rocking, riding, person on a lean.
Rectangular, radical, random,roller, rainbow.
Fragile frog with a furious face.
Hypnotised, having fun on a holiday.

1 comment:

  1. Grace you did a good job.Quanah and keely room14
